
Let’s Start Conversation!

First, receptionist will speak with you through a Phone Call and after each sentence of her, you’ll use the one among all the written sentence in the list by mobile…. 


Receptionist in office:📞

You: 📲




📲 Hello!

📞Good morning!

📲 Very Good morning!…….. Who is this?

📞Sir, I’m Marhaba from International Spoken English School.

📲 Okay!

📞Sir, could I take your time if you are free for 5 minutes?

📲 Sure!

📞Thank!…..Sir, I’m here to inform you that you have been selected for Free English Speaking classes……. So, heartiest congratulations.

📲 Thanks!

📞Welcome Sir!……Now I request you to visit our office to register yourself as soon as possible because it’s completely free…

📲 Sure!……Address please.

📞Karimi Lodge, Purani Chungi, AMU Campus, Anoopshar Road, Aligarh…………. & ……….if you have any trouble then you can contact me directly through the same number between 10:00 to 6:00 during the day.

📲 OK……. Thanks.

📞Your most welcome,sir! …………… Sir, when would you like to visit ( I mean, day & time)?………… So that I can give you a reminder (call)..

📲 On Monday..

📞Which time on Monday, Sir?

📲 By 3 in the evening.

📞Thanks for it ……….. & ……… have a nice day, sir!…



📱You Tube: International Spoken English school.


There are different ways to greet people:

Greeting means welcoming someone with particular words or a particular action.

When meeting people formally for the first time, we greet by shaking hands and saying “How do you do?” or “Pleased to meet you.”

“How do you do?” isn’t really a question, it just means “Hello”.

When young people meet informally they sometimes greet and say “Give me five!” and slap their hands together (high five).

Generally we do not greet by shaking hands with people we know well. We greet by just saying ‘hi’ or ‘hello’

Here are some expressions you can use to greet people.


  • greetingHi, hello.
  • Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.
  • How are you?
  • How are you doing?
  • How do you do?

Responding to greeting

  • Hi, hello.
  • Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening.
  • I’m fine thank you (thanks)/Okey! Thank you (thanks)/Can’t complain/Not bad.
  • How about you?/And you?
  • How do you do?

Things to remember about greeting:

When you greet someone and say:

How do you do?

this isn’t really a question, it just means “Hello”.

Related material

Saying Goodbye
Parting phrases
There are different expressions or phrases to say goodbye. These parting phrases depend on situations and the people involved, their social status and personal relationship.

Leaving and saying goodbye
All right, everyone, it’s time to head off.
Anyway, guys I’m going to make a move.
Ok, everyone, it’s time to leave you.
See you later / tomorrow / soon.
Talk to you later!
If you want to say goodbye in a hurry
I’m so sorry, I’ve got to rush off / run / hurry!
I’m afraid I’m going to have to rush off / run / hurry!
Saying goodbye politely after meeting someone
Nice to see you.
It’s been lovely to see you.
It was great to see you.
Good to see you.
Have a lovely / nice evening.
Have a good day.
Saying goodbye to your hosts
Thanks very much for dinner/ lunch – it was lovely!
Thank you very much for having me.
Other ways to say goodbye
Take care
Bye Bye!
Later man / bro!
Have a good one!
It’s time to be going!
So Long!
Slang Goodbyes
Catch you later
Peace! / Peace out
I’m out!
Smell you later
Final goodbye
Farewell (when you intend never to see your interlocutor again)
Related material
Saying goodbye
Saying hello (greeting)
More parting phrases on Wikipedia

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