Mistakes in the use of prepositions

Mistakes in the use of prepositions

In this lesson we will take a look at some of the most common mistakes in the use of
Incorrect: The ball rolled slowly in the goal.
Correct: The ball rolled slowly into the goal.
Incorrect: She ran in the room crying.
Correct: She ran into the room crying.
The prepositions in and on are used to show position. To say where things are going, we use
into and onto.
Incorrect: The train will arrive within five minutes.
Correct: The train will arrive in five minutes.
We use in to say how soon something will happen. Within means ‘inside’ or ‘not beyond’.
Incorrect: If you don’t live by your income, you will incur huge debts.
Correct: If you don’t live within your income, you will incur huge debts.
Incorrect: The ball went to the window ad fell on the ground.
Correct: The ball went through the window and fell on the ground.
Through is used for movement in a three dimensional space.
Incorrect: He wrote the book in a month’s time.
Correct: He wrote the book in a month.
The expressions in a week’s / month’s time is used to say how something will happen. It is
not used to say how long something takes.
Incorrect: We usually go and see Granny on Sunday.
Correct: We usually go and see Granny on Sundays.
Incorrect: I don’t care for your opinion.
Correct: I don’t care about your opinion.
Care for means ‘like’ or ‘be fond of’. If you care about something, you feel that it is important
or interesting.