Some conjunctions and their uses

Some conjunctions and their uses

As a conjunction since means ‘from the past time when’.
Where have you been since I last saw you?
It is just a week since we arrived here.
I have never seen him since that unfortunate event happened.
The conjunction since may also mean as.
Since we have no money we can’t buy anything. (= As we have no money we can’t buy
The conjunction or is used to introduce an alternative.
Is it green or blue?
You can have tea or coffee.
Sometimes or is used as an equivalent to and.
The troops were not wanting in strength or courage, but they were badly fed. (= The troops
were not wanting in strength and courage…)
The conjunction if means ‘on condition that’; ‘supposing that’.
If you want to go there I will take you.
If it rains we shall not go.
If can mean ‘when’ or ‘whenever’.
If I don’t wear my spectacles, I get a headache.
If is also used to express wish or surprise in the structure if only.
If only I had known that. (Emphasizing one’s regret that one did not know it.)
That is simply a connector. It is used to express a reason or cause.
His manners are so bad that nobody invites him to a party. (= Nobody invites him to a party
because his manners are so bad.)
Bring it to the light so that I can see it better.