Acclimate vs. Acclimatise vs. Acclimatize

Acclimate vs. Acclimatise vs. Acclimatize

Some words sometimes share the same definition but look different, leading some people to
get confused. This is the case with the terms acclimate, acclimatise, and acclimatize. This
post will try to shine a light on how these words so you can use them appropriately.
While they have different spellings, acclimate, acclimatise, and acclimatize mean the same
thing. These three words are most commonly used as a verb meaning “to become
accustomed to a new climate or to new conditions.”
J.D. Martinez acclimating quickly to Red Sox, could make debut next week
Boston Herald
What happened next: Raul Albentosa – the ‘real talent’ who failed to acclimatise at
Derby County
Derby Telegraph
Players need to acclimatise to cold weather
New Straits Time
The main difference between these three words is their origin and country of usage. The
terms acclimate and acclimatize are used primarily in American English but acclimate is
found to be the older word. On the other hand, the word acclimatise is the preferred term in
British and Australian English.
They may also function as a verb which means “to respond physiologically or behaviorally to
changes in a complex of environmental factors.”
These group huts help the animals acclimate with being with other animals, since
after another two weeks they will be moved into pens with 16 animals in them, Kraft
Fort Morgan Times
Usually the body is said to acclimatize to the change in altitude within two to three
“We were a few thousand metres above sea level and my body just wasn’t
acclimatising and adjusting to the change.”
Remember that choosing which of these three terms to use depends on your audience,
setting, and/or style guide if applicable.