Prepositions after particular words and expressions

Prepositions after particular words and expressions

Certain words and expressions are followed by particular prepositions. Here is a list of the
most common combinations.
Insist on
She insisted on paying for the drinks.
Interested in
He was always interested in politics.
Kind to
People have always been kind to me.
Lacking in
She is lacking in tact.
Laugh at
The little girl laughed at the poor beggar.
Laugh about
We will all laugh about this one day.
Listen to
Why don’t you listen to me?
Look at
What are you looking at?
Look for (= try to find)
I am looking for my keys.
Marriage to
Her marriage to James didn’t last very long.
Nice to
She is nice to everybody.
Operate on (a patient)
They operated on her yesterday evening.
Pay for (something that is bought)
Will you pay for the drinks?
Polite to
You weren’t polite to me last night.
Prevent somebody from doing something
She prevented me from entering her room.
Reason for
Nobody knows the reason for the accident.
Rude to
She was pretty rude to me last night.
Run into (= meet)
I ran into James at the library this morning.
Shocked at / by
I was shocked at / by the news of her death.
Sorry about something that has happened
I am sorry about your accident.
Sorry for / about something that one has done
I am sorry for / about interrupting you.
Sorry for a person
I really feel sorry for her.