Words that take the prepositions to and for

Words that take the prepositions to and for

Several verbs, adjectives and nouns are followed by prepositions. Most of these expressions
are idiomatic. Here is a brief list of words taking the prepositions to and for.
The following words take the preposition to.
According to
He acted according to my advice.
Affectionate to
The old woman is affectionate to all.
Note that we say: affection for, not affection to.
He has great affection for his grandchildren.
Alternative to
The alternative to death was submission but that simply wasn’t acceptable to the brave
Derogatory to
He will never do anything derogatory to his high position.
Take exception to
He took exception to my remarks.
Hindrance to
Illiteracy is a hindrance to progress.
Partial to
She is partial to her family.
Respectful to
You must be respectful to your seniors but you are not supposed to be servile.
Insensible to
He is insensible to pain and pleasure.
The following words take the preposition for.
Ambition for
His ambition for name and fame knows no bounds.
Desire for
She has no desire for fame.
Except for
Except for John, everyone else attended the function.
Fondness for
She has great fondness for children.
Infatuation for
His infatuation for his master’s daughter led him astray.
Prepared for
We are prepared for everything.
Qualified for
He is qualified for the job.
Respect for
I have great respect for him.