Conjunctions exercise

Conjunctions exercise

Conjunctions are words used to join two or more clauses together. Conjunctions not only join
clauses together; they also show how ideas expressed by the clauses are related.
Test your knowledge of conjunctions with this grammar exercise.
Complete the following sentences using an appropriate conjunction.
1. You will not succeed …………………. you work hard. (if / unless)
2. …………………. the train was late, I managed to reach on time. (Even if / Even though)
3. I waited ………………….. the train arrived. (till / until)
4. ………………… you are called, you must come in at once. (when / as)
5. I cannot give you any money, ……………. I have none. (for / so)
6. He fled ………………. he should be killed. (lest / unless)
7. I didn’t go ………………. he hadn’t invited me. (because / so)
8. He asked …………….. he could take a day off work. (whether / as if)
9. She smiled ……………… she knew everything. (as if / even if)
10. ………………… you are mistaken, or I am. (Either / Neither)
1. You will not succeed unless you work hard.
2. Even though the train was late, I managed to reach on time.
3. I waited till / until the train arrived.
4. When you are called, you must come in at once.
5. I cannot give you any money, for I have none.
6. He fled lest he should be killed.
7. I didn’t go because he hadn’t invited me.
8. He asked whether he could take a day off work.
9. She smiled as if she knew everything.
10. Either you are mistaken, or I am.