Uses of comma in a simple sentence

Uses of comma in a simple sentence

The comma is the shortest pause between words.
The comma has the following uses in a simple sentence.
To mark off nouns, pronouns or phrases in apposition
James, my neighbor, is a doctor.
Wordsworth, the famous English poet, was a lover of nature.
To mark off each one of a series of words belonging to the same part of speech
He spoke easily, clearly and eloquently.
The children laughed, danced, jumped and cried for joy.
A comma is generally not placed before a word preceded by and.
The farmer owned sheep, cattle and poultry.
To mark off a nominative of address
Doctor, the patient is ill.
Gentleman, I bring good news.
After a nominative absolute
God willing, we shall meet again.
To mark off a direct quotation from the rest of the sentence
‘I am not tired,’ said James, ‘but I am very hungry.’
To separate each pair of words connected by ‘and’
Young and old, high and low, rich and poor, all praised the little boy’s clever tricks.
Before and after words, phrases and clauses let into the body of a sentence.
His conduct, to say the least, was disgusting.
He did not, however, agree.
The following words and expressions are also separated from the rest of the sentence by
means of a comma: at least, indeed, well, all the same, however, of course, on the whole, in
short, in particular etc.