Tenses Exercise

Tenses Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.
1. We ……………………………….. for them.
are waiting
have been waiting
The present continuous is used to talk about an action or situation that is going on at the
moment of speaking.
2. I ……………………………….. for London tomorrow.
am leaving
would leave
The present continuous is used to talk about pre-planned future events.
3. Wait. I …………………………….
will come
am coming
4. I ……………………………….. meeting him at the party.
am remembering
have remembered
The verb remember is not normally used in the continuous form.
5. He …………………………………. to a local football club.
is belonging
has been belonging
The word belong is not normally used in the continuous form.
6. She …………………………………… many books.
has published
The present perfect is used to talk about finished past events when we do not mention
exactly when those actions took place.
7. We …………………………….. all of them.
have invited
8. Somebody ……………………………….. the gate unlocked.
is leaving
has left
The present perfect is used to talk about finished past events whose effect is still felt in the
9. I ………………………………. them for a long time.
have known
have been knowing
We use the present perfect to talk about an action that began sometime in the past and is
still continuing.
10. He ………………………………… me several times.
has helped
is helping
We can use the present perfect tense to talk about a past action when it is not mentioned
when the action took place.
11. He ……………………………………….. the violin for two years.
is learning
has been learning
We use the present perfect continuous to talk about an action that started in the past and
has continued up to the present.
12. I ………………………………….. it now.
am repenting
1. We are waiting for them.
2. I am leaving for London tomorrow.
3. Wait. I am coming.
4. I remember meeting him at the party.
5. He belongs to a local football club.
6. She has published many books.
7. We have invited all of them.
8. Somebody has left the gate unlocked.
9. I have known them for a long time.
10. He has helped me several times.
11. He has been learning the violin for two years.
12. I repent it now.