Verbs Exercise

Verbs Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.
1. He did not allow me ……………………….
to go
to going
We use a to-infinitive after allow.
2. The injured woman ………………………….. to hospital.
had taken
was taken
We need a passive verb form here because the subject is not the doer of the action.
3. We ……………………………… anything from them yet.
did not hear
have not heard
had not heard
The present perfect is more common with the time expressions already and yet.
4. The chief guest ………………………………… arrived.
The present perfect is more common with the time expressions already and yet.
5. ‘Let me ………………………….,’ the boy cried.
to go
We use an infinitive without to after let.
6. The birds …………………………….. when I woke up this morning.
are chirping
were chirping
have been chirping
We use the past continuous to talk about an action or situation that was going on a particular
point of time in the past.
7. I heard them ……………………………..
to talk
We use a gerund or an infinitive without to after the verbs see and hear.
8. I saw him …………………………….. the road.
to cross
to crossing
9. Yesterday I …………………………….. an English movie.
have watched
had watched
We use the simple past to talk about finished past events.
10. The constable asked me what …………………………….. doing there.
was I
I was
The subject goes before the verb in an indirect question.
11. I ……………………………. like to get up early in the morning.
does not
do not
We use the simple present to talk about our likes and dislikes.
12. Ever since I ………………………….. my native place I
………………………………. here.
left, have been living
had left, had been living
left, was living
We use the simple past for finished actions or situations in the past. We use the present
perfect continuous to talk about an action or situation that started in the past and has
continued up to the present.
1. He did not allow me to go.
2. The injured woman was taken to hospital.
3. We have not heard anything from them yet.
4. The chief guest has already arrived.
5. ‘Let me go,’ the boy cried.
6. The birds were chirping when I woke up this morning.
7. I heard them talk.
8. I saw him cross / crossing the road.
9. Yesterday I watched an English movie.
10. The constable asked me what I was doing there.
11. I don’t like to get up early in the morning.
12. Ever since I left my native place I have been living here.