Pronouns Exercise (Beginner Level)

Pronouns Exercise (Beginner Level)

Pronouns are words like he, him, his, she, her, I, me, we, us, they, them and it. Pronouns are
used to refer to nouns. They can be the subject or object of a verb. Pronouns have different
Subject forms: I, we, he, she, they, you, it
Object forms: me, us, him, her, them, you, it
Possessive forms: my, mine; our, ours; his, his; her, hers; their, theirs; your, yours; its
Can you use pronouns correctly? Test your understanding with this grammar exercise. Fill in
the blanks with an appropriate pronoun.
1. My name is Samuel. ……………………… am a German.
Only subject pronouns (I, he, she, it, you, they, we) can be used as the subject of a sentence.
2. My grandparents live in Berlin. We visit ……………………. often.
They is a subject pronoun. Them is an object pronoun. Only object pronouns can be used as
3. Let ……………………. help you carry these bags.
Let is a verb and the pronoun that goes after it is its object. Therefore, we need an object
pronoun here.
4. Should ……………………. help you carry these books?
Here ‘I’ is the subject.
5. Can …………… tell me where ………………. can find a good restaurant?
you, I
you, me
me, you
6. James should stay back after school. …………………. has football practice.
Only subject pronouns can be used as subjects.
7. That pen is ……………………… It is not ………………….
my, your
mine, yours
my, yours
Words like mine and yours are possessive pronouns. They are used alone and indicate
8. This is ……………………. bedroom. That is ………………..
my, her
my, hers
mine, hers
Words like my, his, her and their are possessive adjectives. They go before a noun. Words
like mine, hers, theirs, ours and yours are possessive pronouns. They are used alone.
9. We can go to ………………… place or we can go to ………………..
our, your
our, yours
ours, yours
Words like my, his, her and their are possessive adjectives. They go before a noun. Words
like mine, hers, theirs, ours and yours are possessive pronouns. They are used alone.
10. My birthday is on 18th May and …………………. is on 21st June.
Her and hers are possessive forms. Her is a possessive adjective. It goes before a noun. Hers
is a possessive pronoun. It goes alone.
11. This is my jacket and that is …………………..
His can be a possessive pronoun and a possessive adjective.
12. ……………………. bag is this?
Whose is the possessive form of who. Who’s means who is or who has.
1. My name is Samuel. I am a German.
2. My grandparents live in Berlin. We visit them often.
3. Let me help you carry these bags.
4. Should I help you carry these books?
5. Can you tell me where I can find a good restaurant?
6. James should stay back after school. He has football practice.
7. That pen is mine. It is not yours.
8. This is my bedroom. That is hers.
9. We can go to our place or we can go to yours.
10. My birthday is on 18th May and hers is on 21st June.
11. This is my jacket and that is his.
12. Whose bag is this?