Advice & Suggestions

Becoming Comfortable with English

Tips for developing & practising fluency


Speak in English. Developing fluency requires constant and consistent practice speaking aloud. It is best if you can speak with native English speakers, but if you cannot, speak with whoever is available to you. You can even talk to yourself aloud in English.

Immersing yourself fully in English is the best way to become fluent.


Repeat what you hear native speakers say. Repeat sentences of native speakers, focusing on pronunciation, cadence, and rhythm. Record yourself speaking and play it back to give yourself the opportunity to evaluate whether your repetition sounds the same as the original.

Remember to think about both what words the native speaker chooses and how they use the language.


Use a conversation exchange website. A conversation exchange website is like a matchmaking service for language learners. The website will match you with a native English speaker who is seeking to learn your native language. Through video or audio chats, you can have conversations in each language and give each other immediate feedback and tips.
This type of exchange is best when done on a regular schedule, as frequently as possible. Find someone who has a similar schedule to yours and who is similarly committed to developing fluency.


Listen to other people speaking English. Particularly if you are living in an area with English speakers, listening to other people’s public conversations can frequently be a good way to practice your English comprehension and fluency.

Notice things such as the rhythm of their speech, cues for when one speaker is finished talking and the other begins, and how questions and answers are posed.


Think in English. This may be tricky, but practicing forming thoughts in English can help you almost as much as speaking in English. Try narrating your day in English. For example, you may think to yourself, “I am walking out of my door. I see a stray cat on the street. I need to get on the correct bus and go to work now” in English rather than your native language.