Students’ Creativity

All the work done by Students

Let’s read the awesome story!🌹☺

Once there was a Seth lived in a city. He had a servant named Bhola Naath who served him for a long time. Once the servant wished to go to his house. He went to Seth and said, “please give me some money” but the seth did not give him any panny. Bhola Naath was in a blue feeling for some time & thought how he would buy some gifts for his family members without money. He himself was with red embrasment. He went away from there and started searching a job. At last ,he got the job in a factory. He worked harder there and earned too much money. One fine evening he went to market and bought some gift for his family members and went to his village happily. There he met his kids & wife, gave them the gifts and lived peacefully..👩‍💻

Written by

Miss Mahezara
Student of ISE School


Once there were two intimate friends lived in a village. They always sleep, walk, eat & drink together. One fine morning they decided to be a part to examine their luck having made promise to meet 10 years later at the same day, time and place where they departed from.
The time passed and they both were gathered at the fixed point as per the given date & time.
It was really a nice day for them as they were very happy being in front of each other but the one had really changed by his luck and the other remained as usual.

They were examined by their luck …👨‍💻

Written by

Mr Nahid Khan
Student of ISE School

Students’ Creativity


Karimi Lodge

Once a man reached Karimi lodge to stay there and he knocked the door more than five times but he failed.
Being disappointed, at last, he knocked the opposite door where sir was sleeping. Hearing it, sir frustrated and yelled at him then informed him that the office didn’t belong to the lodge and commanded him to dial the number written on the gate, so he went through it but got no response and declared sir it about. Sir told him to wait till the gate opens. So he followed him.
Thereafter, sir went to have a bath. During it the door again was knocked.
By time faiza was at the gate. Sir requested her to wait for a while, as he was putting on clothes. Later on, he opened the gate and Faiza got in. Sir asked her about Mr Nahid but the response was negatively. During it Mr.Nahid appeared and they started study…… 


Mr. Nahid Khan from India