English Punctuation

English Punctuation

English punctuation — just like the punctuation of any language — makes the written word understandable when it is read.

To say it differently, punctuation places into the written word that which takes place naturally when we speak.

For example, when we speak we get excited, we pause, we shout, we whisper, we raise our voices, and we lower them. These naturally occurring tendencies in our speech patterns are indicated through the use of various punctuation items.

In a sense, English punctuation simply puts into writing that which we do as we speak.

For many learners of English punctuation, there is little, if any, direct correspondence between the way we speak and the way we punctuate a sentience.

Some English punctuation is easier

to learn than others…

Example: Watch out! That bus almost hit you!

Exclamation points, for instance, are not that difficult to learn and use. What about underlines or semicolons or even question marks? Did you know that there are three different intonation patterns used in questions? (voice rise, voice fall and voice level)

Some English punctuation ‘rules’ are more a matter of style than grammar; however, many rules do exist and it’s a good idea to learn them as they will help you prevent a lot of little and unnecessary mistakes.