Sentence Completion Exercise

Sentence Completion Exercise

Complete the following sentences with an appropriate word or phrase.
1. That boy does nothing but ……………………… TV.
to watch
The verb after but usually depends on what came before.
2. I can’t help but …………………. what he is going to do now.
to wonder
Can’t help but is followed by an infinitive without to.
3. She ……………………… believe her eyes.
could hardly
couldn’t hardly
Could hardly is similar to couldn’t.
4. She could get a better job if she …………………….. English.
had spoken
In the second conditional, we use a simple past in the if-clause and would / could + infinitive
in the main clause.
5. Tennis ……………………… by two or more players.
can be played
is able to be played
can able to be played
We can use can with a passive infinitive. Be able to is not used in passive structures.
6. It could rain ……………………. this evening.
Later is the opposite of earlier.
7. He could have won the race if he ………………………
hasn’t fallen
hadn’t fallen
didn’t fall
In the third conditional we use a past perfect tense in the if-clause and would / could have +
past participle in the main clause.
8. I …………………….. someone coming.
can see
am seeing
Either could be used here
We do not normally use see in its continuous form when it refers to perception.
9. Janet is the ………………….. of the four sisters.
Either could be used here
We use the superlative to compare a person or thing with the whole group he/she or it
belongs to.
10. I am the happiest mother ……………………… the world.
After superlative adjectives we do not normally use of with a singular noun referring to a
11. This is …………………… dictionary I could find.
the best
Either could be used here
The article ‘the’ is used before superlative adjectives.
12. You don’t know him better than …………………………… do.
Either could be used here
Subject pronouns are used before a verb.
1. That boy does nothing but watch TV.
2. I can’t help but wonder what he is going to do now.
3. She could hardly believe her eyes.
4. She could get a better job if she spoke English.
5. Tennis can be played by two or more players.
6. It could rain later this evening.
7. He could have won the race if he hadn’t fallen.
8. I can see someone coming.
9. Janet is the tallest of the four sisters.
10. I am the happiest mother in the world.
11. This is the best dictionary I could find.
12. You don’t know him better than I do.