Conjunctions and relative pronouns: grammar exercise

Conjunctions and relative pronouns: grammar exercise

Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. More than one conjunction
may be possible in many cases.
1. It is a question ………………….. nobody can answer.
2. I stayed an extra night ………………… I could see Merlin.
3. …………………. I was having a shower, I slipped on the floor.
4. ………………….. she was too angry to speak, Alice said nothing.
5. ………………… the coat was expensive, I bought it.
6. The house ………………… I live is very small.
7. I will always remember the day …………………. I first met you.
8. I have got a friend …………………. serves in the army.
9. Cook slowly ………………….. it is ready.
10. ………………… I will have time I am not sure at the moment.
1. It is a question that/which nobody can answer.
2. I stayed an extra night so that I could see Merlin.
3. While I was having a shower, I slipped on the floor.
4. As/because/since she was too angry to speak, Alice said nothing.
5. Although/though the coat was expensive, I bought it.
6. The house where I live is very small.
7. I will always remember the day when/that I first met you.
8. I have got a friend who serves in the army.
9. Cook slowly until it is ready.
10. Whether I will have time I am not sure at the moment.