Enough Exercises

Enough Exercises

Fill in the blanks.
1. I couldn’t answer ……………………………. to pass the test.
questions enough
enough questions
When enough is an adjective, it goes before the noun it modifies.
2. She is ……………………………… to understand better.
enough old
old enough
When enough is an adverb, it goes after the adjective modified by it.
3. I have often felt that there aren’t ……………………………….. in a day.
hours enough
enough hours
When enough is an adjective, it goes before the noun it modifies.
4. I …………………………….. to lead a comfortable life.
enough earn
earn enough
When enough is an adverb, it goes after the verb it modifies.
5. She didn’t run ……………………………… to win the race.
enough fast
fast enough
When enough is an adverb, it goes after the adjective or adverb modified by it.
6. If you had tried ………………………………… you would have succeeded.
enough hard
hard enough
When enough is an adverb, it goes after the adjective or adverb modified by it.
7. Have you bought …………………………….?
apples enough
enough apples
When enough is an adjective, it goes before the noun it modifies.
8. The water wasn’t ……………………………… for a swim.
enough hot
hot enough
When enough is an adverb, it goes after the adjective modified by it.
9. You aren’t ……………………………… to be a soldier.
enough tall
tall enough
10. There aren’t ………………………………… for all the people.
jobs enough
enough jobs
When enough is an adjective, it goes before the noun it modifies.
11. We haven’t got …………………………….. time to finish the job.
nearly enough
enough nearly
12. She is ……………………………. to deal with the situation.
enough mature
mature enough
1. I couldn’t answer enough questions to pass the test.
2. She is old enough to understand better.
3. I have often felt that there aren’t enough hours in a day.
4. I earn enough to lead a comfortable life.
5. She didn’t run fast enough to win the race.
6. If you had tried hard enough you would have succeeded.
7. Have you bought enough apples?
8. The water wasn’t hot enough for a swim.
9. You aren’t tall enough to be a soldier.
10. There aren’t enough jobs for all the people.
11. We haven’t got nearly enough time to finish the job.
12. She is mature enough to deal with the situation.