Kinds of co-ordinating conjunctions

Kinds of co-ordinating conjunctions

Cumulative conjunction
A cumulative conjunction merely adds one statement to another. Examples are: and,
both…and, as well as, not only…but also
Alice cooked the dinner and Peter tidied the house.
She is both clever and beautiful.
Tom as well as John passed the test.
They not only looted the shop but also set it on fire.
Adversative conjunction
An adversative conjunction expresses opposition or contrast between two statements.
Examples are: but, still, yet, whereas, while, nevertheless etc.
The rope was thin but it was strong.
He is rich still he is unhappy.
There was little chance of success nevertheless they decided to go ahead.
Alternative conjunction
A conjunction which presents two alternatives, sometimes indicating a choice between them,
is called a disjunctive or alternative conjunction. Examples are: or, either…or, neither…nor,
neither, nor, otherwise, else
You can have coffee or tea.
You must either obey my instructions or quit.
I will neither obey your instructions nor quit.
She didn’t sing, neither did she dance.
You must pay the fine otherwise you will be punished.
Illative conjunctions
Conjunctions which express an inference are called illative conjunctions. Examples are: for,
Something fell for I heard a thud.
He works hard so he will win.
They must have gone out for nobody answers the phone.