Prepositions worksheet

Prepositions worksheet

Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions.
1. We started …………………. six ……………….. the morning.
2. He was born ………………. a small village.
3. They killed the snake ………………….. hitting it.
4. That portrait was painted ……………… my grandfather.
5. You have eaten six mangoes ………………… morning.
6. The boy has been missing ………………… two days.
7. They don’t let anybody in ……………… five o’clock.
8. An old feud existed …………………. the families.
9. I heard this ……………… a friend ………………. mine.
10. His illness has taken a turn ……………….. the worse.
11. I saw him felling the tree ……………… an axe.
12. ………….. Mark and Harry, there were three other boys in the team.
1. We started at six in the morning.
2. He was born in a small village.
3. They killed the snake by hitting it.
4. That portrait was painted by my grandfather.
5. You have eaten six mangoes since morning.
6. The boy has been missing for two days.
7. They don’t let anybody in after five o’clock.
8. An old feud existed between the families.
9. I heard this from a friend of mine.
10. His illness has taken a turn for the worse.
11. I saw him felling the tree with an axe.
12. Besides Mark and Harry, there were three other boys in the team.