Using along

Using along

Along can be used as a preposition and an adverb. When used as a preposition, it is followed
by a noun. When used as an adverb, it is not followed by a noun.
The boys walked along the corridor. (Here the noun the corridor acts as the object of the
preposition along.)
You can bring your kids along.
Along is used to talk about movement on or beside a line.
She walked along the footpath.
I saw a dark figure moving along the road.
Along can also show position on a line.
There are quite a few shops along the street.
There was a thick line of trees along the river bank.
Along can be used to talk about coming or going to a place where someone is waiting or
something is happening.
Although we waited for hours, no cabs came along so we decided to walk all the way home.
We are going to the theatre. Would you like to come along?
To take someone or something along is to take them with you when you go somewhere.
Don’t forget to take these papers along when you go to the bank.
Note that the preposition along is not used to talk about periods or activities. Instead we use
She was silent all through the journey. (NOT She was silent all along the journey.)
She kept talking right through the meal.